The ink just be gravy on this Georgia Peach.

Just Enough Room (a.k.a. Hub) Island in the St. Lawrence River between Canada and NY

Able was I ere I saw Elba.


The Fifth Beatle

Das kann nicht gut sein.

I am down on whores and shant quit ripping them.

Ebbene Jucundum


Legal boilerplate: neither copyright infringement nor the harming of animals was intended in the assemblage of this hodgepodge.

Pictis domina est in domo.

 Landscape & Seascape

Tu si animum ego habere bibendum dum nos loqui?

Krampus kommt für dich, ungezogener Junge!

Ipse dilexit parum puellis.

Hangin' around the wrong crowd

Please loose the fishnet.

Gib mir drei Schüsse.

A hotel In California, the real Overlook 

Vos potest reprehendo ex quisquam tu sicut sed potest numquam relinquere.

Your Humble Webmaster, who stopped making sense long ago   and has far too much time on his hands now, bids you welcome.       

Ist sie überprüfen dich heraus und mag was sie sieht? Zweifelhaft.

The Laws of Madness

I'm getting smarter, I finally punched something that couldn't sue me.

Devil in the White City

Die Zeit ist gekommen um von vielen Dingen zu sprechen.

A portrait by Joe Coleman 

Hier ist jeder Tag Silvester.

Unum diem veniam enim tuus etiam.

Grappa, Italian moonshine

Hotsy-Totsy Hot To Trot

Pay regards to Robert Earl Hughes, the world's heaviest ambulatory man, all half short ton plus of him.

What happened in 2K that night?

The Scream by Edvard Munch

Pelagus platea apud diebus abiit per

Ich brauchte nur einen.

We have twelve days to celebrate Yuletide, ho ho!

Firma et rotunda sicut cucurbita

Come see about me. I won't disappoint.


Ridden hard and put up wet

A bartender works behind the wood, behind the mahogany or behind the stick, the last referring to the tap lever used to draw draft beer. Wherever you work you are behind the stick, whether there actually is one or not.

The Rock of Mosholu- was the stone throne a volcano in another age of an earlier epoch during a preceding period from some era that came before this eon?   

We sure beat some RSS feed.

​No, I'm not Eddie Munster, and that might just be too damned bad for you. 

It doesn't need more salt, bitch!

Je fais en effet!

Marienkäfer, Marienkäfer fliegen weg nach Hause.

The 52nd - Bronx cop shop on Webster Avenue by Mosholu Parkway

Bravo Humble  Webmaster!

Via Ad Infernum ex Psalterio Winchester manuscripto 

Der Bananen-Brüder

Der Perfekte Narr

The Nature Boy Buddy Rogers

​​​We pay homage to this good fellow for a reason that should be self-evident as you journey forth, unless of course it's not.

Bishōjo #60

Offensichtlich ich muss Yorick sein, als die anderen sind viel zu hässlich.

Flora Colossus

Cluaran, suaicheantas na h-Alba bho Blàr Largs air Linne Chluaidh ann an 1263

Mr. Monster

Who's your daddy?

Sophie redux

Ein schöner Blumenstrauß für Ihren Bescheidenen Webmeister von einem Marienkäfer

You were warned.

Отец Григорий говорит: благослови нас Бог, каждый!

Alius Salome, et ideo aliud caput debet esse comparatae

By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked  this way comes.

Est certe non est aequum. Volo quidam illius etiam! 

Anybody see my braffin?

Vincent ut Oscar

Old Croton Aqueduct, Irvington NY

Girls Love School

Not Bishōjo #65 

Sophie unum tempus

Dearly Beloved Reader, please note these pages, presented here for your  

Stacy ist nicht mehr die Großmutter deines Vaters.

Psycho Central

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Here There Be Madness, Mayhem, Murder Most Foul, Smokin' Hot Women, Rockin' Juke Music And Other Merriment. Faint Of Heart Or Afflicted With Tender Sensibilities? Begone!

Still another portrait by Joe Coleman

A webmaster groupie in a parallel and far better universe

Did anybody remember to bring the Dramamine?

The doctor will see you now.

Salve te dulcis iuvenis res

They call me Mr. Bingle!

Bishōjo #62 & Bishōjo #53

Ich war besser als du.

It's called gravity.

Wer ist mein Vati?

Мертвый Вождь

Lügner, Lügner, Hosen auf Feuer! Ich bin der echte Yorick, und lass das sein das Letzte Wort. Sind wir klar?

Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade

Il faut que je fasse la baiser de cette belle femme.

The Hermits of Harlem

He amazingly laid bare all manner of bamboozlement, bunco, chicanery, flimflam, flummery, humbuggery, mountebankery, pettifoggery and quacksalvery.

What's wrong with this picture?

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Questus eam cerebra futui ex per Invisibilia Hominis vel Spiritus Sanctus vel Petrus Secundus Divinus Incubus

Bishōjo #59

But I got next dibs.

Final preparations for a long pig roast

Все что я вижу, я повелеваю.

Are we there yet?


A life ill-lived, revealed in oil. 

Amicus in necessitate est amicus quidem.

Bishōjo #64

Nulla piscis cauda pro hoc syreni, et melius nos pro eo.

Pumpkinhead in the house

Just how did those 15 minutes of fame work out for you?

Another portrait by Joe Coleman 

Beauteous Bobbie  Bresee

Der Orangensaft-Mann

She's not Alice, and that's not a rabbit hole. The putrefied pontiff holds the tale.

Brundlefly shedding the last vestiges of Seth.

Simply abominable

Nur ein weiteres hübsches Gesicht

A mulligan would've been nice.

A very stable genius and his baby girl

Vajankles - words fail. 

Psyche dicit ego festo in iuvenes et bibere Alba Petra nitri.

Hallo Bierhallen-Kuhmädchen, wer darf als nächstes reiten, und ich meine nicht den ficken Stier?

Rosa alio nomine esset odor sicut dulce.





Hat er komisch schmecken?

He preferred the party of Old Hickory.

I never do either.

Eine gesunder Träger









Old school PPE

Full balcony

The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli

The Gates of Hell  by Auguste Rodin

Melius est regnare in Inferno quam servire in Caelis est.

Acing that hula hoop 

Nein, Ich aß ihm.

Sophie et Bishōjo #61 superbi sunt ad praesens Adria et Helena.


The Laird of Boleskine  

Le Pape Formose Et Etienne VII  depicts the Cadaver Synod, the ecclesiastical trial during  January 897 of the exhumed corpse of Pope Formosus (who had been dead since the previous April) in Rome's Basilica of St. John Lateran. It was conducted by Pope Stephen VI, successor to Formosus' successor Pope Boniface VI (whose 15 month reign ended when he died either of the gout or poison). Stephen accused the late Formosus of transmigrating sees in violation of canon law, perjury and serving as a bishop while a layman. Not surprisingly found guilty, the body was stripped of papal vestments, the three fingers of its right hand used in life to give blessings cut off, then tied to weights and cast into the Tiber River. Eventually washing ashore, rumor had it performing miracles posthumously. This macabre spectacle turned Romans against Stephen, who was deposed, imprisoned and strangled to death that August. Dominus vobiscum.

Der Süden wird wieder auferstehen!

Schade dass er stattdessen nicht zur Kunstschule ging.

Ab Hoc Ad Quod 

Devilry afoot!

Gratias tibi Paola enim ambulantes hoc modo.

entertainment, are not very cell phone friendly. Use a real computer - that's how God intended them to be inspected. So get to it already!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Impostor apage! Ego sum verum Yorick.

Pouvez-vous deviner pourquoi je suis si populaire auprès des dames?

Quinque spectat apud Eva

Martin Bergen was a catcher for the Boston Beaneaters from 1896 to 1899, helping them win the National League pennant in 1897 and 1898. In 1900 he murdered his wife, six year old daughter and three year old son with an axe. Using a straight edge razor, he then cut his throat with such force to almost behead himself. Bergen received one vote for the Hall of Fame in 1937 and another in 1938.

Who else be sleeping in my bed?

Der erste Kaiser des Zweiten Reiches

Michaelis, ego praesumere?

Totally gobsmacked by it all

Ego cibum Yorick.

The Last Judgment by Giotto

Vocatur ad iudicium Dei

Dastardly deeds will be avenged.

Heu, pauper Yorick, ego nesciebam eum, Horatio.

Warum bekommt die Dame oben den ganzen Spaß zu haben? 

Quid bonum est Quadraginta Secunda Platea sine Nat Sherman?

Say what?

When is a door not a door? When it is ajar.