Paul Snyder - she didn't need him anymore and that didn't sit well.

You want to see the film Star 80 (1983) directed by Bob Fosse starring Mariel Hemingway, Eric Roberts and Cliff Robertson.

On Thursday June 29, 1967 at 2:30 a.m. Jayne Mansfield, 34, was killed on U.S. 90 en route to New Orleans LA from Biloxi MS when the Buick she, her three children, lawyer and driver were in crashed into the rear of a tractor trailer that had slowed behind a truck spraying a mosquito insecticide which fogged up the road.  The car went under the larger vehicle and the three adults sitting in the front died instantly.  The youngsters, including Mariska Hargitay, were asleep in the back and survived with minor injuries. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration subsequently recommended requiring an under-ride bar made of steel tubing on all tractor trailers. This protective guard is now commonly known as a Mansfield Bar.

Donna Michelle

Mamie Van Doren

Dorothy Stratten (1960-1980)

Cynthia Myers

Jayne Mansfield